Monday, December 20, 2010

Caste System -A Different Angle

Caste System: -A system of division of people based on their birth in a particular family. An ancient system prevalent mainly in South Asia, based only on writing of ancient of religious books, without much understanding of human psychology or any science behind it, which still rules the rural India and decides the occupation, fate and social status of an individual, even 60 years after the constitution guaranteed "Right TO Equality" to all its citizens.

There is no universally accepted explanation on the origin of caste system. Some believe that people belonging to lower classes were the native inhabitants in India and they were conquered by Brahman invaders.But Genetic Analysis were not able to find any appreciable difference in the genes. Another more acceptable theory, which is based on social division of people of people of same race according to occupation. With time (and don't forget to add the Indian nepotism) this division of people based on occupation gave birth to caste system, a social evil which associates a person's occupation with his/her birth.

Now, this caste system, that exists in our society, is a good example to what happens when things that can go wrong does go wrong.
For a few moment, if you could assume that such social configuration never existed, then I would like to reincarnate this social configuration and would like to show you how it can be useful and meaningful in 21st century.
Ok... .Lets start with a direct relation between human learning and development. And assuming that throughout the entire human history and in the coming future also parents will remain the major contributor in child learning. So what a child becomes in future will mainly dependent on what he has learned he has learned in his parental care and its surrounding social environment, rather than what lies in his/her genes. The direction will be given by surrounding environment. There can be two types of environments around a child. One is an unbiased environment which gives a child full opportunity to choose and grow in any direction (this we are trying to create when we talk about a cast free society). And other one is based on a structure based similar to old system, which attempts to create specialized environment, which directs a children in one directions. Every system has in advantages and disadvantages. A society based on first system will promotion of talent without any biased attitude towards anyone, better with ethics and human equality. But my opinion is that the second system is not as bad as it may appear. If you compare the overall output, first system will not be a match for the second one. The reason is quite simple. Second system is a kind of hierarchical system in which each generation passes its experience from one generation. It promotes continuous transfer of information and forms a chain of human learning, so that the present generation doesn't depends only on current efforts but it is also endorsed with the efforts made by previous generations. This form of society, which learns from its mistakes and promotes its racial experience, could produce exceptional results. Kind of warrior or scientist this society can produce can never be achieved by any universities or any kind of training present in our system.
Well... who knows? Some day we understand why those having "The Royal Blood " were unmatched than ...


  1. The above article shouldn't been seen as a way to promote Indian Caste System. Author feels that Indian Caste System is rotten and has no significance at all today.Author is strongly against discrimination of people.

  2. This idea has been depreciated. We have already seen that principle of exclusion and policy of restricting education for an elite class of people has brought disastrous results leading of alienization and discrimination against a section of society. This is a crime against humanity and it is intolerable.
